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刘绪银.孙思邈鬼穴针灸术与传承[J].湖南中医药大学学报英文版,2025,45(2):303-311.[Click to copy
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孙思邈鬼穴针灸术与传承 |
刘绪银 |
(新邵县中医医院, 湖南 新邵 422900) |
摘要: |
孙思邈继承并发挥了道医葛洪的针灸疗法,创立了用于治疗癫疾的鬼穴针灸术,取穴以督脉、任脉、手足太阳经、手足阳明经、手足太阴经、手少阴心经及手厥阴心包经的五输穴、经脉交会穴为主,依据所属脏腑经脉及功能主治,分别称为鬼宫(人中)、鬼信(少商)、鬼垒(隐白)、鬼心(太渊、大陵)、鬼路(劳宫、间使、申脉)、鬼枕(风府)、鬼床(颊车)、鬼市(承浆)、鬼堂(上星、尺泽)、鬼藏(会阴)、鬼臣(曲池)、鬼封(海泉)、鬼禄(悬命)、鬼城(十宣)、鬼邪(手三里、足三里)、鬼门(百会、囟会、膻中)。普通配伍取左右手足同名经脉穴两两配伍或单取任督穴位配伍,道家密法配伍取天(头部)、地(腹与足阴阳经脉)、人(胸与手阴阳经脉)三部各一穴或二穴。针灸时男从左起,女从右起,第一针刺督脉人中,刺手足腧穴按气血流注次序从手太阴肺经腧穴开始。历代传承人不断发挥创新,《针灸资生经》《针灸大成》《针灸聚英》收载的孙思邈鬼穴针灸术略有差异,当代多用于治疗精神分裂症、抑郁症、焦虑症、失眠、卒中后认知障碍、肝性脑病等,均取得较好疗效。 |
关键词: 针灸疗法 鬼穴 孙思邈 传承 应用 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2025.02.016 |
Received:April 29, 2024 |
基金项目:第五批国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目(国发〔2021〕8号:971 Ⅸ-11)。 |
SUN Simiao's ghost points acupuncture technique and its inheritance |
LIU Xuyin |
(Xinshao County Chinese Medicine Hospital, Xinshao, Hunan 422900, China) |
Abstract: |
SUN Simiao inherited and developed the acupuncture therapy of Daoist physician GE Hong, creating the "ghost points acupuncture technique" for the treatment of psychosis. The points selected are primarily the Five-Shu points and confluent points of the Du meridian, Ren meridian, hand-and foot-Taiyang meridians, hand- and foot-Yangming meridians, hand- and foot-Taiyin meridians, the heart meridian of hand-Shaoyin, and the pericardium meridian hand-Jueyin. Based on the affiliated zang-fu organs, meridians, and their functions and indications, these points are respectively named Guigong [Shuigou (GV26)], Guixin [Shaoshang (LU11)], Guilei [Yinbai (SP1)], Guixin [Taiyuan (LU9), Daling (PC7)], Guilu [Laogong (PC8), Jianshi (PC5), Shenmai (BL62)], Guizhen [Fengfu (GV16)], Guichuang [Jiache (ST6)], Guishi [Chengjiang (CV24)], Guitang [Shangxing (GV23), Chize (LU5)], Guicang [Huiyin (CV1)], Guichen [Quchi (LI11)], Guifeng [Haiquan (EX-HN11)], Guilu (Xuanming, no unified standard code yet), Guicheng [Shixuan (EX-UE11)], Guixie [Shousanli (LI 10), Zusanli (ST36)], and Guimen [Baihui (GV20), Xinhui (GV22), Danzhong (CV 17)]. For general combinations, points with the same name on the left and right hand or foot meridians are paired, or points on the Du meridian and Ren meridian are singly chosen. For the esoteric Daoist method, one or two points are selected from each of the three regions: "Heaven" (the head), "Earth" (the abdomen and foot-yin and yang meridians), and "Man" (the chest and hand-yin and yang meridians). When administering acupuncture, it starts from the left for males and from the right for females, with the first needle inserted at Renzhong [Shuigou (GV26)] on the Du meridian. For acupoints on the hands and feet, the needling follows the order of qi and blood circulation, starting from the acupoints on the lung meridian hand-Taiyin. Through successive generations, practitioners have continuously refined and innovated this technique. The Zhen Jiu Zi Sheng Jing (Classic of Nourishing Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion), the Zhen JIU Da Cheng (The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion), and the Zhen Jiu Ju Ying (The Assemble of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) contain slightly different versions of SUN Simiao's ghost points acupuncture technique. In contemporary times, it is commonly used to treat schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, insomnia, post-stroke cognitive impairment, hepatic encephalopathy, and other conditions, with good therapeutic effects. |
Key words: acupuncture therapy ghost points SUN Simiao inheritance application |
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